Holiday Helper

Holiday Helper

One of the first things that comes to mind when I think of the Holidays (especially Thanksgiving and Christmas) is DESSERT! I’m sure that comes at no surprise! After a heavy meal of delicious Holiday foods enjoyed with family and friends, out come rows of hot pies, decadent chocolates, warm gooey cookies, and mugs of mulled cider and coffee. Despite whether you are still hungry or not, indulging in these celebratory delicacies just seems like the right thing to do! It is the Holidays after all!

We tend to crave that sweet relief after a meal laden with deliciously spiced and salted foods, myself especially! I’ll pay for it later, but Lord help me if I don’t take a giant slice of warm pumpkin pie and throw a softball sized dollop of whipped cream on top!! It’s tradition after all!

Weeks and months before Thanksgiving and Christmas even arrive, begins the making of the traditional treats and the getting together of the loved ones, sharing in the scrumptious pastimes of each other’s company and cups of hot cocoa with extra marshmallows. People will begin complaining about putting on that Holiday weight, and no one’s really even upset about it because that too, has become a yearly tradition.

I am 100% for all of this! (though maybe not the yearly weight gain lol) I believe every Holiday tradition on and off the table should be observed!

BUT…. If I could make a tiny suggestion to the menu? An addition?? A bowl of fresh berries and fruit, along with some whipped cream and a sprinkle of spice. Leave it on the table before the meal even begins! Let it be a snack/appetizer, let it be added to the main course, and leave it out after as part of dessert! You’d be surprised how much the body will react to such a small but sweet addition, before and during the meal, eliminating some of that craving that comes afterwards for the sugary relief. Berries are also PACKED with vitamins and will aid in the digestion of the Holiday meal long after it has been eaten. Not to mention all the festive colors it will add to the plate!

I’m also going to use this as a friendly reminder to always have a gluten free option, and/or other dietary safe foods for people with sensitives, allergies, and medical conditions, on the table at the Holidays. Everyone should be able to partake in the foodie festivities!

Happy Hallowthanksmas everyone!