Momma’s Morning Cup

Momma’s Morning Cup

What is the first thing you put into your body when you wake up in the morning?

The sun rises over the lake in the backyard, the birds begin to chirp their “good morning” in glorious harmony… the children are all up, fed, dressed and ready for school, and a warm, inviting mug sits on the counter filled with that delectable morning nectar… Coffee.

I don’t know who’s morning this is… but it’s not mine!! While I would love to lay claim to such a splendiferous sunrise routine.. mine is much different. I am NOT a morning person. Neither are my children. This makes mornings the most challenging part of our day. This brings me back to my original question… What is the first thing you put into your body when you wake up in the morning?

If your answer if coffee, I raise my hand to you in an air-high-five! Welcome to the cult. But what are you putting into your coffee? We make the mistake of very loosely saying “Yes, I drink coffee in the morning”, but what else are you ingesting with those wonderfully roasted beans? If you use some of the leading coffee creamers offered in stores, the first things you are putting into your body in the morning could be corn syrup solids, highly refined sugar (or substitute sweetener), artificial flavors, and in some cases, artificial colors, along with your morning dose of caffeine. Put all of this together, especially on an empty stomach, and you have a blood sugar spike like no other!

I fall into the pumpkin spice obsessed category… I love me some rustic Fall flavors! There are much better (and tastier!) ways of achieving that perfect sweet and creamy sip.

I cannot tolerate hot or warm dairy products. While I’m not lactose intolerant, the consumption of warm dairy in any capacity makes my stomach turn, literally and figuratively. I substitute with almond and/or coconut milk. They also sell almond and coconut coffee creamers! It’s a beautiful thing! Here is my morning coffee recipe and here’s why:

Coffee, pumpkin puree, MCT oil, cinnamon, clove, almond milk (or a simple almond creamer), and a small amount of either maple syrup or raw sugar.

Let’s break it down…

The coffee in its pure and natural form provides wonderful antioxidants and a natural boost in metabolism. The pumpkin puree is loaded with vitamins A and C, as well as a good dose of fiber. Both the cinnamon and clove aid in digestion and also boost the metabolism. MCT oil, one of the best forms of healthy fats (holy brain food!) provides satiety, concentration, and a robust flavor. Whatever sweetener you choose just make sure that it isn’t (or is very little) refined. Sweeteners are always better taken in their natural forms. Ratios are to taste, and experiments are encouraged! This scrumptious elixir will not only wake you up without jitters and crash, it will also set your stomach and metabolism up for success! What is better than a coffee with so many health benefits?? Quite possibly nothing!

Happy sipping, my friends, and please contact me if you’d like me to create a specialty confection just for you.